We design and install standard contact line systems and tailor-made solutions.
Our offer ranges from applications for traditional and High-Speed railway lines, to applications in urban environments (metro, LRT, trolleybus).
Whether it concerns the construction of new electric traction installations or the maintenance and upgrade of existing plants, we are committed to guarantee our Customers with reliable and proven turnkey systems, fully compliant with the European Standards and the Technical Specifications provided.
Our contact lines:
Types of installations designed and built:
Technology partners in developing the Italian High Speed lines
We are technology partners in developing the Italian High Speed/High Capacity lines and we have been engaged in the definition and development of this new railway technology in our country since the early stages.
We are members of the Consorzio Saturno, the consortium that designs and builds the technological systems for HS/HC lines – with over 600 km of high-speed lines electrified and built and we are the leading partner for Overhead Contact Lines and HV Transmission Lines technologies.
Technology partners in developing the Italian High Speed lines
We are technology partners in developing the Italian High Speed/High Capacity lines and we have been engaged in the definition and development of this new railway technology in our country since the early stages.
We are members of the Consorzio Saturno, the consortium that designs and builds the technological systems for HS/HC lines – with over 600 km of high-speed lines electrified and built and we are the leading partner for Overhead Contact Lines and HV Transmission Lines technologies.